Fanfic Recs

Monday, August 17, 2020

My Infertility Journey: The Beginning

Amazing how aturan Allah tu sangat indah. It all started from a ketumbit. Stye-- that infection that can make your eyes swell and hurt so much when you blink. I asked myself, kenapa la I kena this stye when I haven’t had it for so long. And because it hurts so much, I asked Hubby if we could go to the clinic. It was late, almost an hour before the clinic’s closing time.

So after consulting with the doctor about my eye (and confirming it’s a stye coming up), I asked her, “Doctor, doctor tahu ke kat mana kita boleh buat fertility checkup?”. I don’t know from where the keberanian to ask the doctor tu came. Maybe sebab the doctor is really nice and friendly. And when she replied, “Kita ada buat kat sini,” that’s when my journey of finding out the cause to my infertility started.

Tak sangka. Because all these while, I selalu tanya Hubby if we should buat fertility checkup since kita tak pregnant-pregnant lagi. Soalan ni me selalu tanya Hubby dari after 1 year we were married. So bayangkan how many times dah I tanya soalan ni kat Hubby memandangkan now dah almost 2.5 years usia perkahwinan? Kesian hubby ku. Tapi bukan apa, I just want to know, what’s our fertility health status?

To be honest, I’m not rushing to have kids. I tanya Hubby and he also said the same thing. Kalau dapat Alhamdulillah, kalau belum, kita try again. Cuma tu la, pelik. Langsung nothing happened. Every month, Aunt Flow datang macam biasa. And yang lagi merunsingkan me, my period memang sangatlah regular. Betul-betul typical textbook. Tapi tu lah, rezeki Allah siapa yang tahu. Cumanya, at least we should check our status kan. Kita ni sihat ke tak sebenarnya.

And then lagi satu why we selalu tertangguh nak buat this fertility checkup ni is because I thought checkup macam ni cuma ada kat LPPKN punya klinik tu and takda kat klinik-klinik biasa. Ingatkan we have to go to big cities like Kuantan to have that kind of checkup. Tu yang tanya doctor Klinik Rantau tu, sebab nak tahu dia punya clinic suggestions. Rupanya at Rantau Klinik sendiri ada.

So firstly, the doctor ordered a semen analysis for Hubby. As for me, the doctor ordered Day 21 Testing. It’s bloodwork to check for the levels of the hormone progesterone and estradiol (a form of estrogen). It’s to rule out if I’m ovulating or not. So from my readings on the internet, if progesterone level is low, no ovulation occurred. As for estradiol, its’ measurement is taken just for monitoring purposes I guess? The doctor also ordered for HbA1C test and TFT to be done. From a quick internet search, I’m guessing HbA1C has something to do with blood sugar level and TFT is a thyroid test thingy. Not too sure la for apa. Tapi wait until after I’m done with the tests baru I can share.

So that’s it! Hoping for everything to be alright. Wish me and hubby luck! 

My appointment card

P/S: A mini checklist of tests that we'll go through



  • Semen Analysis

  • Day 21 Testing

    • Progesterone level

    • Estradiol level

  • Hb1AC level

  • TFT level